EZMAIL can save you time and money on your mailings. Here’s how…
The USPS views the stamp revenue as several payments that are applied to the various steps of processing, transporting, and delivering the mail.
Think of what happens to a letter when it is mailed – each step has a cost associated to it:
The USPS offers reduced postage as a ‘work share discount’. This means that if certain volume requirements are met and the mail is properly preprocessed (the way the USPS processes it), then the customer will earn a ‘work share discount’.
When the customer has preprocessed the mail, the USPS shares the portion of the postage that would normally be required to perform the processing. The discount varies by how many of these steps are performed: address verification and move updates, barcoding, sorting and delivery.
The preprocessing requirements are constantly changing as the USPS automates, and reorganizes its carrier routes and post offices.
Here are just a couple of examples of how we process mail pieces with machines, providing a high quality mail pieces at costs below what you could by hand:
Wafer Seals
Our sophisticated mailing software generates greater postage discounts than what our customers are were earning. Even if you use free labor (volunteers), our ability to earn a lower postage rate many times pays completely for our services!